I had to wake up early to go to the dentist yesterday morning. The dentist actually went really well. I didn't have to get pictures of my teeth or flouride because they'd done both last time. They lady who cleaned my teeth was a Twilight fan, and saw that I was wearing my New Moon shirt, so she talked about it while cleaning my teeth.
After the dentist we went shopping at Kohl's nd K-Mart, and I bought my best friend Summer's birthday present. My sister and I went into the pet store for a little while. We pet a cute cat, and they had adorable ferrets in there.
Once I got home, I spent almost the whole day watching New Moon and all of the special features. It was about time that I got around to that.
I stayed up really late last night finishing the Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. I loved it so much! Everyone should definitely read it. I made a video about it today that you can watch on my Youtube channel (www.youtube.com/hmweasley).
I didn't really do much today. I did upload another Avatar: The Next Generation one-shot that you can read at www.fanfiction.net/~hmweasley. It's about Zuko getting up in the middle of the night to take care of one of his kids. I think it's pretty cute.
I also watched episode 48 of Naruto. It was a really good episode. I can't wait to see who wins the fight between Lee and Gaara.
Overall, the past two days were pretty uneventful. I have to go to work tomorrow. Hopefully, it goes by quickly.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A Tiring Spring Break
When I think of spring break, I think about relaxing and enjoying being away from school, but so far it's not sounding like that's what my spring break's going to be like.
I worked today, have a dentist appointment at 10 am tomorrow, and then work Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. I work on Easter! I don't like this. I just keep telling myself that it's closer to buying a new camera.
Speaking of cameras, I posted a new video over at www.youtube.com/hmweasley. I talk about the new The Last Airbender trailer, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park opening, and The Last Song.
I watched episode 47 of Naruto the other night. I loved it! Hinata has probably become my favorite character. I'm probably one of very few people who think that, but I really like her.
I'm on chapter 28 of The Last Song. It just keeps getting better and better! I've already almost started crying and at work! I'm definitely planning on posting a video on Youtube about it when I'm done.
I worked today, have a dentist appointment at 10 am tomorrow, and then work Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. I work on Easter! I don't like this. I just keep telling myself that it's closer to buying a new camera.
Speaking of cameras, I posted a new video over at www.youtube.com/hmweasley. I talk about the new The Last Airbender trailer, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park opening, and The Last Song.
I watched episode 47 of Naruto the other night. I loved it! Hinata has probably become my favorite character. I'm probably one of very few people who think that, but I really like her.
I'm on chapter 28 of The Last Song. It just keeps getting better and better! I've already almost started crying and at work! I'm definitely planning on posting a video on Youtube about it when I'm done.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Spring Break Finally!
It's finally spring break! Yay! Now if only I had something exciting planned for this week. The only plans I have is working on three different days.
In world history today, we watched a video with interviews of people who survived the Holocaust. It was so sad! They should some actual footage from the Holocaust too.
I finished my two-point perspective drawing of the classroom in art today. I also got back five of my paintings and drawings that were in the art fair (that I didn't even go to). I think I had another one in the fair that she didn't give back to me.
We had a vocab quiz in Spanish II, and then we watched the beginning of The Princess and the Frog. I've been wanting to see The Princess and the Frog forever! I really liked the beginning, but we're probably not going to finish it. Hopefully, I'll be able to see the rest sometime.
In English, we took a vocab test, and then went to the lab. I was already finished with my project, so I spent the time in the lab reading The Last Song
by Nicholas Sparks.
We got out of class early today to watch the championship of the Munch Madness we've been having at school. Our school has two lunch periods, and they've been having a corn hole and volleyball tournament during both of them for the last few weeks. Today, the champions from both lunch periods played each other, and the winner of that volleyball game played the teachers. It was pretty boring. I'm not a sports person.
I'm on chapter 17 of The Last Song
by Nicholas Sparks right now. I'm still loving it! It's such an amazing book!
I watched episode 46 of Naruto (Naruto Uncut Boxed Set, Volume 2
) last night. Amazing episode! I love Hinata! I think I can relate to her a lot personality wise. We grew up a lot differently, and I'm obviously not a ninja, but I think our personalities are similar.
In world history today, we watched a video with interviews of people who survived the Holocaust. It was so sad! They should some actual footage from the Holocaust too.
I finished my two-point perspective drawing of the classroom in art today. I also got back five of my paintings and drawings that were in the art fair (that I didn't even go to). I think I had another one in the fair that she didn't give back to me.
We had a vocab quiz in Spanish II, and then we watched the beginning of The Princess and the Frog. I've been wanting to see The Princess and the Frog forever! I really liked the beginning, but we're probably not going to finish it. Hopefully, I'll be able to see the rest sometime.
In English, we took a vocab test, and then went to the lab. I was already finished with my project, so I spent the time in the lab reading The Last Song
We got out of class early today to watch the championship of the Munch Madness we've been having at school. Our school has two lunch periods, and they've been having a corn hole and volleyball tournament during both of them for the last few weeks. Today, the champions from both lunch periods played each other, and the winner of that volleyball game played the teachers. It was pretty boring. I'm not a sports person.
I'm on chapter 17 of The Last Song
I watched episode 46 of Naruto (Naruto Uncut Boxed Set, Volume 2
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Why June 18th!?
We took a test in world history today, and I think I did pretty good.
I pretty much finished my children's book in personal finance today except I need a picture for the cover. I was stupid and didn't think to get one before.
We took a quiz in Spanish. I think it went pretty well too. After the quiz, we watched a video about Puerto Rico.
In English, we learned about adjectives, read some, and then went to the computer lab.
I'm on chapter 13 of The Last Song
by Nicholas Sparks right now. It is amazing! I can barely put it down. I can't wait to find out what happens!
They've announced the The Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park is opening on June 18th. I'm worried we won't be able to go now because that's at the very end of our trip. I'm praying that we are able to go. It would be pretty awesome to go one opening day. Wasn't there a rumor or something that one of the rides wouldn't open with the rest of the park? I really hope everything works out.
Spring break can't come soon enough! I'm a little mad that I have to work this Sunday though. I've had the New Moon DVD for almost a week now, and I haven't watched the special features yet! I haven't even watched the movie all the way through. I know how I'll be spending one day of my spring break.
I pretty much finished my children's book in personal finance today except I need a picture for the cover. I was stupid and didn't think to get one before.
We took a quiz in Spanish. I think it went pretty well too. After the quiz, we watched a video about Puerto Rico.
In English, we learned about adjectives, read some, and then went to the computer lab.
I'm on chapter 13 of The Last Song
They've announced the The Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park is opening on June 18th. I'm worried we won't be able to go now because that's at the very end of our trip. I'm praying that we are able to go. It would be pretty awesome to go one opening day. Wasn't there a rumor or something that one of the rides wouldn't open with the rest of the park? I really hope everything works out.
Spring break can't come soon enough! I'm a little mad that I have to work this Sunday though. I've had the New Moon DVD for almost a week now, and I haven't watched the special features yet! I haven't even watched the movie all the way through. I know how I'll be spending one day of my spring break.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Over a Month to Read a Book?
We've been learning about World War II in world history, and our test is tomorrow. I've spent most of my time since I got home studying for that.
We started working on a new project in personal finance. We have to make a children's book about saving or money. I already have my story written and my pictures. I just have to put them together to make a book. At first, when she said we had to write a children's book I kind of panicked. A novel or short story I can do, but not a children's book (or poetry). I'm pretty happy with how it turned out though.
We took quizzes in Spanish II the past couple of days. I think I've done pretty well on them.
We haven't done much in English other than vocab, reading two novels, and working on our projects. Since I already have my project done, that means I have about 45 minutes to read.
I finished Titian by Mark Hudson at work yesterday. I'm so glad I'm finally done. How long was I even reading that book? It feels like months. I just looked at my blog. I started reading Titian on February 15th! You can tell I wasn't that into it... I can't believe it took me that long to read.
I started reading The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. I'm almost done with chapter seven, and I love it! I could hardly put it down during school today. Everyone I know who's read it say they loved it. Girls at school kept telling me how awesome it was whenever they saw what I was reading.
Only two more days until spring break! I can't wait!
We started working on a new project in personal finance. We have to make a children's book about saving or money. I already have my story written and my pictures. I just have to put them together to make a book. At first, when she said we had to write a children's book I kind of panicked. A novel or short story I can do, but not a children's book (or poetry). I'm pretty happy with how it turned out though.
We took quizzes in Spanish II the past couple of days. I think I've done pretty well on them.
We haven't done much in English other than vocab, reading two novels, and working on our projects. Since I already have my project done, that means I have about 45 minutes to read.
I finished Titian by Mark Hudson at work yesterday. I'm so glad I'm finally done. How long was I even reading that book? It feels like months. I just looked at my blog. I started reading Titian on February 15th! You can tell I wasn't that into it... I can't believe it took me that long to read.
I started reading The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. I'm almost done with chapter seven, and I love it! I could hardly put it down during school today. Everyone I know who's read it say they loved it. Girls at school kept telling me how awesome it was whenever they saw what I was reading.
Only two more days until spring break! I can't wait!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I Hate Colds
We went over the my grandma's the other day. My great aunt and uncle were visiting from Florida.
I also has religious ed last night. We had this speaker who talked to us about how guys and girls are different and stuff. He was a lot more interesting than I thought he would be. There was a book on what they talked about, and I got one (of course).
We learned about the Holocaust in world history today, and in art we learned about Michelangelo and worked on our drawings. We learned about saving and wealth building in personal finance. We went over our new vocab in Spanish today. In English, we read a little of a book we're reading in class and worked on our projects in the computer lab. That's about all I've done today.
I'm watching 2012 with my dad and brother right now. I obviously can't be too interested if I'm writing this. Some parts of it are interesting, but overall I don't think it's that good of a movie. I may not even watch the whole thing.
I still have a cold! It's probably been a month now! Whenever I think it's finally gone away, it comes back again. It's so annoying!
I also has religious ed last night. We had this speaker who talked to us about how guys and girls are different and stuff. He was a lot more interesting than I thought he would be. There was a book on what they talked about, and I got one (of course).
We learned about the Holocaust in world history today, and in art we learned about Michelangelo and worked on our drawings. We learned about saving and wealth building in personal finance. We went over our new vocab in Spanish today. In English, we read a little of a book we're reading in class and worked on our projects in the computer lab. That's about all I've done today.
I'm watching 2012 with my dad and brother right now. I obviously can't be too interested if I'm writing this. Some parts of it are interesting, but overall I don't think it's that good of a movie. I may not even watch the whole thing.
I still have a cold! It's probably been a month now! Whenever I think it's finally gone away, it comes back again. It's so annoying!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
New Moon DVD Midnight Release Party
Last night was so much fun! I posted pictures over on Twitpic/Twitter if you're interested.
I actually volunteered to get up and played charades! I was a whole lot more outgoing last night than I usually am. I have no idea why. I think it was because I was so tired.
I had to be Esme during charades, and I won a Jacob button for it. I was really surprised that I got Jacob. Usually I get a character I don't like that much (for example, I won a James card at the Twilight DVD release party last year). Regina and Summer also played charades. Regina had to be Caius, and Summer had to be Emmett.
After charades, they did trivia questions. They read a quote from the book, and we had to guess who said it. I won three times, and then they said I couldn't win anymore. Haha. I think I was the only person to get three of them. They gave out magnets for that. I got a Jacob magnet, Bella magnet, and a Rosalie and Emmett magnet.
After that we had a debate. I actually spoke up pretty much every time (which is shocking or me). I think there was only one other girl there who was Team Jacob, and she didn't really say anything. It made the debates a little interesting since I had to stand up for one side all by myself.
I also won a Jacob bookmark during the raffle.
We had the first ticket, but they raffled off the first place in line, so we were actually second. I was disappointed because they didn't have the Twilight in Forks DVD that came out with the New Moon DVD. I'll have to get it somewhere else soon. I did get two other things though. I got a New Moon shirt with Bella, Edward, and Jacob on it and the Twilight graphic novel.
I love the necklace that came with the Border's edition of the DVD. I was expecting it to be a cheap necklace, but it's actually really nice. I wore it on the wolf tattoo side obviously.
I haven't got a chance to watch any of the special features yet (or even the whole movie) because I had to work today. Today was my first day working at the tanning salon all by myself. There were one or two minor "emergencies" and I had to call my sister a few times, but overall things went pretty good.
I managed to read a couple of chapters of Titian by Mark Hudson while working. I think I have two chapters left before I'm done with the book. I'm reading The Last Song next!
I just finished watching episode 45 of Naruto. I loved it! *SPOILERS* I loved the Naruto and Kiba fight! The was Naruto wins defintely fits Naruto's character. It was hilarious. I can't wait to see Hinata fight next episode. From what little I've seen of her, I really like her. Maybe because I can relate to being the shy girl.
I actually volunteered to get up and played charades! I was a whole lot more outgoing last night than I usually am. I have no idea why. I think it was because I was so tired.
I had to be Esme during charades, and I won a Jacob button for it. I was really surprised that I got Jacob. Usually I get a character I don't like that much (for example, I won a James card at the Twilight DVD release party last year). Regina and Summer also played charades. Regina had to be Caius, and Summer had to be Emmett.
After charades, they did trivia questions. They read a quote from the book, and we had to guess who said it. I won three times, and then they said I couldn't win anymore. Haha. I think I was the only person to get three of them. They gave out magnets for that. I got a Jacob magnet, Bella magnet, and a Rosalie and Emmett magnet.
After that we had a debate. I actually spoke up pretty much every time (which is shocking or me). I think there was only one other girl there who was Team Jacob, and she didn't really say anything. It made the debates a little interesting since I had to stand up for one side all by myself.
I also won a Jacob bookmark during the raffle.
We had the first ticket, but they raffled off the first place in line, so we were actually second. I was disappointed because they didn't have the Twilight in Forks DVD that came out with the New Moon DVD. I'll have to get it somewhere else soon. I did get two other things though. I got a New Moon shirt with Bella, Edward, and Jacob on it and the Twilight graphic novel.
I love the necklace that came with the Border's edition of the DVD. I was expecting it to be a cheap necklace, but it's actually really nice. I wore it on the wolf tattoo side obviously.
I haven't got a chance to watch any of the special features yet (or even the whole movie) because I had to work today. Today was my first day working at the tanning salon all by myself. There were one or two minor "emergencies" and I had to call my sister a few times, but overall things went pretty good.
I managed to read a couple of chapters of Titian by Mark Hudson while working. I think I have two chapters left before I'm done with the book. I'm reading The Last Song next!
I just finished watching episode 45 of Naruto. I loved it! *SPOILERS* I loved the Naruto and Kiba fight! The was Naruto wins defintely fits Naruto's character. It was hilarious. I can't wait to see Hinata fight next episode. From what little I've seen of her, I really like her. Maybe because I can relate to being the shy girl.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Number One in Line!
My best friend Summer is over for the New Moon midnight release party later. I'm so excited. Less than five hours!
I'm going to make this quick because I'm too excited to really focus and Summer's over.
Guess what. My sister and I are number one in the line and Summer's number six! Isn't that awesome! It's not looking like there will be very many people there because we just got Summer's ticket. Maybe people are just planning on getting tickets when they get there. Who knows.
I can't wait. I'm still planning on taking my camera, and uploading those pictures later. I'll also have my phone, and I may take a few pictures and upload them directly to Twitpic.
I can't wait!
I'm going to make this quick because I'm too excited to really focus and Summer's over.
Guess what. My sister and I are number one in the line and Summer's number six! Isn't that awesome! It's not looking like there will be very many people there because we just got Summer's ticket. Maybe people are just planning on getting tickets when they get there. Who knows.
I can't wait. I'm still planning on taking my camera, and uploading those pictures later. I'll also have my phone, and I may take a few pictures and upload them directly to Twitpic.
I can't wait!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Humanity Can Be So Stupid
In less then 29 hours the New Moon DVD comes out! I'm so excited! I'm going to a midnight release party at Borders with my best friend, sister, and possibly my sister's friend. It's going to be so much fun!
We started learning about World War II. I realized something today. Hitler was baptized as a child. I'm not sure about his religious beliefs later, but I know that. He hated Jews and was killing them. Jesus was a Jew. How can a Christian justify hating and killing Jews when Jesus was a Jew? It doesn't make sense to me. Of course, neither does slavery and a ton of other historical things, but they still happened. People do and believe in stupid things all the time.
Art is so frustrating to me. I completely messed up on the drawing I'm currently doing, but I don't want to restart it because I'm almost done. Not looking forward to it being graded.
I started a personal resource management class today. So far, it seems like it will be really useful but really boring too.
In Spanish, we spent the class translating stuff and writing vocab. We also watched basketball. We saw Notre Dame lose. Most of the boys in the class were not happy about that.
In English, we went over vocab, read a little bit, and went to the computer lab to work on Snowbound stuff.
Since coming home I haven't really done anything.
I'm so excited for tomorrow! I think I'm going to take my camera and take pictures. I may or may not upload them to Twitter. We'll see.
We started learning about World War II. I realized something today. Hitler was baptized as a child. I'm not sure about his religious beliefs later, but I know that. He hated Jews and was killing them. Jesus was a Jew. How can a Christian justify hating and killing Jews when Jesus was a Jew? It doesn't make sense to me. Of course, neither does slavery and a ton of other historical things, but they still happened. People do and believe in stupid things all the time.
Art is so frustrating to me. I completely messed up on the drawing I'm currently doing, but I don't want to restart it because I'm almost done. Not looking forward to it being graded.
I started a personal resource management class today. So far, it seems like it will be really useful but really boring too.
In Spanish, we spent the class translating stuff and writing vocab. We also watched basketball. We saw Notre Dame lose. Most of the boys in the class were not happy about that.
In English, we went over vocab, read a little bit, and went to the computer lab to work on Snowbound stuff.
Since coming home I haven't really done anything.
I'm so excited for tomorrow! I think I'm going to take my camera and take pictures. I may or may not upload them to Twitter. We'll see.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My First Day of Work
Today was the second and last day of finals. This is a good thing (no more studying for finals!) and a bad thing (doing actual work again) at the same time.
I got an A on my AP world history final! Yay! All we did in class today was watch the Andy Griffith Show. My teacher apparently rode in an elevator with the guy who played Goober once. He's told us that story a million times.
Our art teacher hadn't graded our finals yet, so I don't know how I did. I think art was the only class that I actually did work in today (other than the classes I had to take finals in of course).
In child development, we finished the movie about the baby with HIV. Okay, it had like five seconds left when the bell rang. We may finish it tomorrow, but the class won't actually be child development tomorrow since child development is a one quarter class. Now I'll be taking personal resource management. It's still the same teacher and pretty much the same kids though. Oh yeah, we took our final too. It was so easy that I almost forgot to mention it (let's hope I didn't just jinx myself).
This is random, but I'm going to mention it anyway. Here's some background information: I have two ex-best friends. I don't want to get into what happened or anything, but (obviously) we're no longer friends. We're going to call them Ex-BFF 1 and Ex-BFF 2 from now on.
I don't want to make this incredibly long, and I don't really know how to explain it anyway. My best friend (who was also best friends with these two) and I kind of miss being friends with Ex-BFF 1, but not so much Ex-BFF 2 (for certain reasons). (Man, I'm picturing Summer (my best friend) reading this and laughing or something) Anyway stuff has happened (it would take way to long to explain).
Anyway... All of that was just to say the Ex-BFF 2 randomly said hi to me today. Yeah, I know you're thinking, "She wrote all of that just to say that?" It's strange to me though. The girl hasn't spoken to me in over a year, and decides to randomly say hi? Sure, Summer kind of randomly talked to Ex-BFF 1 earlier, but it's different with Ex-BFF 2. Wow, this is incredibly hard to explain without telling absolutely everything. Point is, I thought it was weird (maybe weird's not the right word). Moving on.
I didn't get to see my grade on my Spanish final. Hopefully, it's good. We started watching Remember the Titans today. We're not going to finish it though because we're going to actually start doing work tomorrow.
We took our final in English. There's a couple of things I'm not sure how I did, but overall I think I did pretty good. She was the only teacher to give us homework. I got most of it done in class though.
Today was my first day of work at my first ever job. It went pretty well I think. I was being trained by my sister today, and I only had to work for four hours (it's usually six). It seemed to go by really quickly though. It'll probably feel slower when I'm working by myself. I hope I can remember how to do anything. I'm working in my aunt's tanning salon.
A bunch of kids from my school came in. It was funny when two boys came in who had no idea what they were doing. There was a lady in there who apparently knew them. They started talking about tanning lotion. Eventually, they decided they wanted to buy some, and she helped them choose which kind to get. If you knew the two boys and just saw how everything went, it was funny.
I got an A on my AP world history final! Yay! All we did in class today was watch the Andy Griffith Show. My teacher apparently rode in an elevator with the guy who played Goober once. He's told us that story a million times.
Our art teacher hadn't graded our finals yet, so I don't know how I did. I think art was the only class that I actually did work in today (other than the classes I had to take finals in of course).
In child development, we finished the movie about the baby with HIV. Okay, it had like five seconds left when the bell rang. We may finish it tomorrow, but the class won't actually be child development tomorrow since child development is a one quarter class. Now I'll be taking personal resource management. It's still the same teacher and pretty much the same kids though. Oh yeah, we took our final too. It was so easy that I almost forgot to mention it (let's hope I didn't just jinx myself).
This is random, but I'm going to mention it anyway. Here's some background information: I have two ex-best friends. I don't want to get into what happened or anything, but (obviously) we're no longer friends. We're going to call them Ex-BFF 1 and Ex-BFF 2 from now on.
I don't want to make this incredibly long, and I don't really know how to explain it anyway. My best friend (who was also best friends with these two) and I kind of miss being friends with Ex-BFF 1, but not so much Ex-BFF 2 (for certain reasons). (Man, I'm picturing Summer (my best friend) reading this and laughing or something) Anyway stuff has happened (it would take way to long to explain).
Anyway... All of that was just to say the Ex-BFF 2 randomly said hi to me today. Yeah, I know you're thinking, "She wrote all of that just to say that?" It's strange to me though. The girl hasn't spoken to me in over a year, and decides to randomly say hi? Sure, Summer kind of randomly talked to Ex-BFF 1 earlier, but it's different with Ex-BFF 2. Wow, this is incredibly hard to explain without telling absolutely everything. Point is, I thought it was weird (maybe weird's not the right word). Moving on.
I didn't get to see my grade on my Spanish final. Hopefully, it's good. We started watching Remember the Titans today. We're not going to finish it though because we're going to actually start doing work tomorrow.
We took our final in English. There's a couple of things I'm not sure how I did, but overall I think I did pretty good. She was the only teacher to give us homework. I got most of it done in class though.
Today was my first day of work at my first ever job. It went pretty well I think. I was being trained by my sister today, and I only had to work for four hours (it's usually six). It seemed to go by really quickly though. It'll probably feel slower when I'm working by myself. I hope I can remember how to do anything. I'm working in my aunt's tanning salon.
A bunch of kids from my school came in. It was funny when two boys came in who had no idea what they were doing. There was a lady in there who apparently knew them. They started talking about tanning lotion. Eventually, they decided they wanted to buy some, and she helped them choose which kind to get. If you knew the two boys and just saw how everything went, it was funny.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I Suck at Titles
Today was the first day of finals. I think everything went pretty well.
My first final was in AP world history. I'm pretty sure that I got either an A or a B. Then, I took my art final. Believe it or not, I think that was the hardest of the three finals I took today. Maybe because we barely went over any of the stuff.
In child development, we finished the Hallmark movie we watched yesterday, and then we started another one. The one we finished is about a girl who's born with genetic defects and is expected to die when she's about six. The one we're watching now is about a baby born with HIV. They're both sad, but they're really good.
My third and last final for the day was in Spanish. I actually think I got an A! She made the final really easy on purpose though, so I think everyone in the class got a good grade. After our final, we finished watching Hoosiers.
In English, we reviewed for the final, read a novel, and went over our vocab. Then, we went to the computer lab, and worked on our Snowbound projects. I think I was the only person in the class to actually finish the project today.
I didn't have homework today for the second day in a row! If there's one good thing about finals, it's that there's no homework. I mean, you have to study, but usually I know the material enough that that doesn't take that long.
I finished another chapter of Titian by Mark Hudson today. It was okay. I like the book, but I kind of want to just be done with it. If I liked art, I'd probably enjoy it a whole lot more.
Tomorrow's my first day of work! Okay, so technically I'm just being trained but still. I'm nervous. It's the first time I've ever had a job. It's also a little weird that my little sister is the one training me...
I've been sitting here forever trying to think of a title for this post. Seriously, it takes longer for me to come up with a title then it does to write the actual post. I do this for everything. I suck with coming up with title for some reason. Whenever you see something I've written, and it has a horrible title you'll know why.
My first final was in AP world history. I'm pretty sure that I got either an A or a B. Then, I took my art final. Believe it or not, I think that was the hardest of the three finals I took today. Maybe because we barely went over any of the stuff.
In child development, we finished the Hallmark movie we watched yesterday, and then we started another one. The one we finished is about a girl who's born with genetic defects and is expected to die when she's about six. The one we're watching now is about a baby born with HIV. They're both sad, but they're really good.
My third and last final for the day was in Spanish. I actually think I got an A! She made the final really easy on purpose though, so I think everyone in the class got a good grade. After our final, we finished watching Hoosiers.
In English, we reviewed for the final, read a novel, and went over our vocab. Then, we went to the computer lab, and worked on our Snowbound projects. I think I was the only person in the class to actually finish the project today.
I didn't have homework today for the second day in a row! If there's one good thing about finals, it's that there's no homework. I mean, you have to study, but usually I know the material enough that that doesn't take that long.
I finished another chapter of Titian by Mark Hudson today. It was okay. I like the book, but I kind of want to just be done with it. If I liked art, I'd probably enjoy it a whole lot more.
Tomorrow's my first day of work! Okay, so technically I'm just being trained but still. I'm nervous. It's the first time I've ever had a job. It's also a little weird that my little sister is the one training me...
I've been sitting here forever trying to think of a title for this post. Seriously, it takes longer for me to come up with a title then it does to write the actual post. I do this for everything. I suck with coming up with title for some reason. Whenever you see something I've written, and it has a horrible title you'll know why.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Four Days!
My sister and I watched Fame yesterday (the 2009 version). I had never seen the old one. I liked it. It was good.
In pretty much all of my classes today, we either reviewed for finals, watched a movie, or did both. In child development, we watched some Hallmark movie. I don't know what it's called, but it's good so far. It has Alexa Vega in it (from Spy Kids). In Spanish, we watched Hoosiers. Then, in English, we watched part of an episode of I Love Lucy because it's mentioned in the novel we're reading, and a bunch of people had never seen it.
Finals start tomorrow! I have AP world history, drawing, and Spanish finals tomorrow! Hopefully everything goes well! The Spanish final should be easier than our usually tests, so I'm not too worried about it.
I watched episode 44 of Naruto over the weekend. I can't wait to see if Naruto wins!
I have a job now. It's so strange. I haven't actually worked yet. On Wednesday, I go with my sister (who already works there), so she can show me what to do. Then, I work by myself on Saturday I think. It'll be interesting working on Saturday because we're going to a midnight release party for the New Moon DVD on Friday.
I'm so excited for the New Moon DVD! I loved New Moon so much more than Twilight! I think we're getting the Twilight in Forks (I think that's what it's called) DVD too! I'm planning on taking my camera, so I may post some pictures over on my twitter later. We'll see how long it takes me to upload them to the computer. I always hate doing that. I may take some with my phone and upload them directly to twitter while we're there. We'll see.
Only four days until the New Moon DVD!
In pretty much all of my classes today, we either reviewed for finals, watched a movie, or did both. In child development, we watched some Hallmark movie. I don't know what it's called, but it's good so far. It has Alexa Vega in it (from Spy Kids). In Spanish, we watched Hoosiers. Then, in English, we watched part of an episode of I Love Lucy because it's mentioned in the novel we're reading, and a bunch of people had never seen it.
Finals start tomorrow! I have AP world history, drawing, and Spanish finals tomorrow! Hopefully everything goes well! The Spanish final should be easier than our usually tests, so I'm not too worried about it.
I watched episode 44 of Naruto over the weekend. I can't wait to see if Naruto wins!
I have a job now. It's so strange. I haven't actually worked yet. On Wednesday, I go with my sister (who already works there), so she can show me what to do. Then, I work by myself on Saturday I think. It'll be interesting working on Saturday because we're going to a midnight release party for the New Moon DVD on Friday.
I'm so excited for the New Moon DVD! I loved New Moon so much more than Twilight! I think we're getting the Twilight in Forks (I think that's what it's called) DVD too! I'm planning on taking my camera, so I may post some pictures over on my twitter later. We'll see how long it takes me to upload them to the computer. I always hate doing that. I may take some with my phone and upload them directly to twitter while we're there. We'll see.
Only four days until the New Moon DVD!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Two Weeks Before Spring Break!
I am so happy today is Friday! It feels like this week has dragged on forever, and next week's finals! On the bright side, there's only two more weeks until spring break!
We had a test in world history today. It was pretty hard. We had to write an essay comparing Animal Farm to the Russian Revolution, and I think mine was one of the longest essays I've ever written for a test.
In child development, we had a test too. After the test, we got to make cookies, and eat a bunch of other (healthy) snack foods. The cookies were awesome!
My third and (thankfully) last test of the day was in Spanish. I'm not really sure how well I did on it. Let's hope it's not another F...
We didn't do a whole lot in English. We read some of two different books (one we're going to be tested on and the other we're just discussing), and talked about sonnets. She also told us what we need to study for our finals next week. That was about it.
I'm in the middle of chapter ten of Titian by Mark Hudson right now. That's over half way done! I feel like a lot of the stuff is getting drawn out now. I'm a little bored with it, but not enough to stop reading it.
We had a test in world history today. It was pretty hard. We had to write an essay comparing Animal Farm to the Russian Revolution, and I think mine was one of the longest essays I've ever written for a test.
In child development, we had a test too. After the test, we got to make cookies, and eat a bunch of other (healthy) snack foods. The cookies were awesome!
My third and (thankfully) last test of the day was in Spanish. I'm not really sure how well I did on it. Let's hope it's not another F...
We didn't do a whole lot in English. We read some of two different books (one we're going to be tested on and the other we're just discussing), and talked about sonnets. She also told us what we need to study for our finals next week. That was about it.
I'm in the middle of chapter ten of Titian by Mark Hudson right now. That's over half way done! I feel like a lot of the stuff is getting drawn out now. I'm a little bored with it, but not enough to stop reading it.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
International Day of Awesomeness
Today is the International Day of Awesomeness! Is that not one of the most awesome holidays ever?
We finished watching Animal Farm in world history today, and then we talked about comparisons between it and the Russian Revolution. I was actually surprised by how much I liked it.
Our Spanish teacher told us in class today that she's decided our final next week is just going to be a huge vocab quiz/test. I'm excited since my problem is writing sentences and conjugating verbs. Our chapter test is Friday! I think I understand this chapter pretty well though. Of course, I thought that last time too. Let's hope I actually do understand it this time.
I finished writing my cause and effect essay today in English. The topic I wrote about was, "I'm happy that we're going to Florida this summer." I got to write a whole paragraph about the Harry Potter theme park. I always love when I have a chance to incorporate Harry Potter into homework.
I watched episode 43 of Naruto last night. Awesome episode. I can't wait to see whether Naruto wins is fight or not!
We finished watching Animal Farm in world history today, and then we talked about comparisons between it and the Russian Revolution. I was actually surprised by how much I liked it.
Our Spanish teacher told us in class today that she's decided our final next week is just going to be a huge vocab quiz/test. I'm excited since my problem is writing sentences and conjugating verbs. Our chapter test is Friday! I think I understand this chapter pretty well though. Of course, I thought that last time too. Let's hope I actually do understand it this time.
I finished writing my cause and effect essay today in English. The topic I wrote about was, "I'm happy that we're going to Florida this summer." I got to write a whole paragraph about the Harry Potter theme park. I always love when I have a chance to incorporate Harry Potter into homework.
I watched episode 43 of Naruto last night. Awesome episode. I can't wait to see whether Naruto wins is fight or not!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Animal Farm
Has it really been three days since I last posted? Doesn't feel like it.
I've watched another episode of Naruto. Awesome episode. I love the storyline with Sakura and Ino.
I've also read a couple of chapters of Titian by Mark Hudson. I'm starting to get a little bored of it honestly. It still is interesting sometimes, but there are some parts that really bore me.
We started watching Animal Farm in world history because we just finished learning about the Russian Revolution. It's strange so far. Not bad necessarily, just strange.
For the first time this year, I feel like I actually fully understand what we learned in Spanish today. Let's hope that's a good sign.
I've watched another episode of Naruto. Awesome episode. I love the storyline with Sakura and Ino.
I've also read a couple of chapters of Titian by Mark Hudson. I'm starting to get a little bored of it honestly. It still is interesting sometimes, but there are some parts that really bore me.
We started watching Animal Farm in world history because we just finished learning about the Russian Revolution. It's strange so far. Not bad necessarily, just strange.
For the first time this year, I feel like I actually fully understand what we learned in Spanish today. Let's hope that's a good sign.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Nashville and Shaken Baby Syndrome
I was going to post yesterday. I even got as far as opening whatever this place is called where you type, but then I decided I was just too sick and tired to focus on writing anything. Luckily, today I'm feeling much better (although definitely not completely).
There was a meeting at school today for anyone who qualified for the trip to Nashville. My school has a trip every year for kids who meet certain requirements. I could have gone last year because I was student of the month, but I didn't for two reasons. The first reason was that I didn't even know I had qualified for it until it was too late. Second, I didn't care anyway because they went to a baseball game. I'm not a baseball fan. This year I qualify because I have perfect attendance (it's only the second time in my life that's ever happened). We're going to Nashville this year. We're supposed to go to the Country Music Hall of Fame, go on a tour of historic downtown, and eat lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. If I go I have to be at school by 6:30 in the morning. I'm not sure if I'm going to go or not.
Speaking of meetings I attended this morning, I also had a Key Club meeting this morning. Nothing exciting really happened. We did nominate people for officers next year.
We've watched two videos about Shaken Baby Syndrome over the past two days in child development. One was called Elijah's Story and one was called Mighty Like a Rose. They were both incredibly sad! Never ever shake a baby! Those stories were horrible! We learned that a baby would have to fall off of a 13-story building to get the same amount of injuries they would get from being shaken, and it only takes a few seconds. It's horrible!
I got my test from the other day back in Spanish. I got an F. I don't know what to do about this class! I study, but I can never do it when it comes to taking tests!
This post has to have the most random title ever. Not random I guess, but strange nonetheless. A strange combination for a title.
There was a meeting at school today for anyone who qualified for the trip to Nashville. My school has a trip every year for kids who meet certain requirements. I could have gone last year because I was student of the month, but I didn't for two reasons. The first reason was that I didn't even know I had qualified for it until it was too late. Second, I didn't care anyway because they went to a baseball game. I'm not a baseball fan. This year I qualify because I have perfect attendance (it's only the second time in my life that's ever happened). We're going to Nashville this year. We're supposed to go to the Country Music Hall of Fame, go on a tour of historic downtown, and eat lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. If I go I have to be at school by 6:30 in the morning. I'm not sure if I'm going to go or not.
Speaking of meetings I attended this morning, I also had a Key Club meeting this morning. Nothing exciting really happened. We did nominate people for officers next year.
We've watched two videos about Shaken Baby Syndrome over the past two days in child development. One was called Elijah's Story and one was called Mighty Like a Rose. They were both incredibly sad! Never ever shake a baby! Those stories were horrible! We learned that a baby would have to fall off of a 13-story building to get the same amount of injuries they would get from being shaken, and it only takes a few seconds. It's horrible!
I got my test from the other day back in Spanish. I got an F. I don't know what to do about this class! I study, but I can never do it when it comes to taking tests!
This post has to have the most random title ever. Not random I guess, but strange nonetheless. A strange combination for a title.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I Hate Drawing
I was planning on doing a longer post today, but I forgot that I need to do fiv drawings for art. I'm going to make this short, so I can finish the two drawings I still have to do. I have no clue what I'm going to draw.
We took a test in Spanish today. I feel better about this one then I have others in the past, so we'll see how I did on it.
I watched episode 41 of Naruto today. It wasn't awesome like the other episodes have been lately, but I really liked it. I love Sakura and Ino's relationship. I don't really like how they fight over Sasuke though...
I also read chapter four of Titian by Mark Hudson. I enjoyed it.
We took a test in Spanish today. I feel better about this one then I have others in the past, so we'll see how I did on it.
I watched episode 41 of Naruto today. It wasn't awesome like the other episodes have been lately, but I really liked it. I love Sakura and Ino's relationship. I don't really like how they fight over Sasuke though...
I also read chapter four of Titian by Mark Hudson. I enjoyed it.
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