Andor has been fun so far. I admit that I'm finding the villains a little bland, so I'm hoping to learn something interesting about Syril, but I really like the other characters and I'm having fun with the story, especially after this episode.
In flashbacks, we see Maarva and another man meet Cassian while he does what he can to destroy the crashed ship. These flashbacks were more or less what I expected to see happen, but I still appreciate them being part of the story.
Luthen also mentions Cassian's father being hanged in this episode, which seems to be true based on Cassian's reaction. I'm curious if the man in the flashbacks is that father. I'd be interested in learning more about him.
Speaking of Luthen, we get more of him in this episode. It turns out that he knows who Cassian is and has learned a lot about him. Because of Rogue One, I suspect that Luthen has something to do with the Rebellion and will get Cassian involved. I'm very curious to learn more about his identity though and what exactly is going on.
Timm dies in this episode, which honestly isn't surprising. I don't think he was interesting enough to stick around for long, and he already served his purpose. Bix is quite upset about his death, and I'm curious about what her feelings for him were exactly. He definitely seemed to like her more than she liked him, but I do get that seeing someone die in front of you is hard regardless of how close you were exactly in life. I'm curious if Timm's death will affect her relationship with Cassian as the show progresses.
While most of the soldiers go after Cassian, a few stay to guard Maarva, and I loved the scene where she psyched them out by implying that something would happen when the sounds stop. I really hope this episode isn't the last we see of her. She's such an interesting character, and I'd love the chance to get to know more about her.
Syril ends this episode in a bad place. I wonder if what he went through in this episode will make him more compelling or just more annoying. I guess we have to wait and see.
Overall, this episode left me excited for what's to come. I'm particularly curious about Luthen. It seems like things are picking up now.