I haven't done much the past few days except help out at my church's vacation bible school. It's Egypt themed, and the kids get to meet and talk to "Joseph" every day. He was in prison on day one, and then gets out on day two and stuff.
I'm an assistant family leader (each group is called a family). Basically, I just do whatever the group leader needs me to do and help watch the kids. There's one point were the group splits up and I go with some of them while the group leader goes with the others.
Yesterday though, the group leader wasn't there, so my sister and I ended up having to lead the group together. It went pretty well considering we weren't entirely sure what we were doing. It also worked out pretty well considering that it was the only day Regina was able to go down to help out, and they ended up needing her. I definitely know what it's like to be a substitute teacher now. The kids were definitely testing Regina and me to see what they could get away with. They're usually a hyper group when the group leader is there, but it was even worse yesterday. The kids in our group are really cute and great kids, but it's a handful watching them.
I'm on my second book since my last post. I read The Debs by Susan McBride. It was a good book, but not great. Right not I'm reading Plastic Fantastic by Simon Cheshire. It's good so far.
Days Until:
My 17th Birthday: 7 (one week!)
First Day of Junior Year: 14 (only two weeks! Summer went way too quickly!)Mockingjay Book: 26
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 113
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 351
Breaking Dawn Movie: 486
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Annoying Space Bar
I haven't really done anything the past few days. Also, I'm typing this on my brother's laptop, and the space bar barely works which makes typing this extremely annoying, so I'm going to try to make this short.
I finished reading Victoria and the Rogue by Meg Cabot. I loved it and definitely recommend it. I also finished reading Ready or Not by Meg Cabot, and really enjoyed it.
I've watched a few episodes of Naruto, and they were good episodes.
Days Until:
My 17th Birthday: 9
Mockingjay Book: 29
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 116
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 354
Breaking Dawn Movie: 489
I finished reading Victoria and the Rogue by Meg Cabot. I loved it and definitely recommend it. I also finished reading Ready or Not by Meg Cabot, and really enjoyed it.
I've watched a few episodes of Naruto, and they were good episodes.
Days Until:
My 17th Birthday: 9
Mockingjay Book: 29
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 116
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 354
Breaking Dawn Movie: 489
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Its been five days again! I hate not having a laptop. I haven't really done much except go to work.
My dad and I are now registered for LeakyCon 2011! I'm so excited! It'll be my first Harry Potter convention!
My dad and I went to see The Last Airbender the other day. I ranted for about seven minutes in a video on my Youtube account. You can watch that to hear what I have to say. Here, I'll just say that it was better than I though it would be, but I couldn't stand how they pronounced the names. I mean, they couldn't even pronounce Avatar right!
I finished Bedazzled. It was okay, but I pretty much knew everything already. I also read Catholic and Christian for Young Adults. I think it's a great book for Catholic teenagers. Now I'm reading Victoria and the Rogue by Meg Cabot. I love it so far. I really like that it takes place in 19th century England.
Days Until:
My 17th Birthday: 12
Mockingjay Book: 32
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 119
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 357
Breaking Dawn Movie: 492
My dad and I are now registered for LeakyCon 2011! I'm so excited! It'll be my first Harry Potter convention!
My dad and I went to see The Last Airbender the other day. I ranted for about seven minutes in a video on my Youtube account. You can watch that to hear what I have to say. Here, I'll just say that it was better than I though it would be, but I couldn't stand how they pronounced the names. I mean, they couldn't even pronounce Avatar right!
I finished Bedazzled. It was okay, but I pretty much knew everything already. I also read Catholic and Christian for Young Adults. I think it's a great book for Catholic teenagers. Now I'm reading Victoria and the Rogue by Meg Cabot. I love it so far. I really like that it takes place in 19th century England.
Days Until:
My 17th Birthday: 12
Mockingjay Book: 32
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 119
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 357
Breaking Dawn Movie: 492
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Lots of Books
I haven't really done much since my last post except work. My phone also broke. I was using my old phone. AT&T sent a new phone that arrived today, but it doesn't work either. We can't figure out what's wrong. It can't be my SIM card because it worked fine in my old phone. I really hope we can figure it out soon.
I'm pretty sure I've only watched one episode of Naruto (episode 87) since my last post. It was a good episode.
I finished Don't Take Love Lying Down by Brad Henning. It was a really good book. I think every teenager should read it. I also read Pretties by Scott Westerfield which is the second book in the Uglies trilogy (although there is a fourth book that takes place in that world but with a different main character). It was amazing! I absolutely loved it! I definitely recommend reading that series. Now I'm reading Bedazzled: A Book About Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight Phenomenon. It's okay, but not incredibly good or anything. I've had a lot more time to read without a laptop as a distraction.
Days Until:
A Very Potter Sequel Youtube Premiere: 4
Florida and Wizarding World trip (2): 14
My 17th Birthday: 17
Mockingjay Book: 37
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 124
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 362
Breaking Dawn Movie: 497
Monday, July 12, 2010
I Miss My Laptop (I had to make that the title.)
I have depressing news. If you follow me on Twitter than you probably know that my laptop's hard drive died. I'm now having to use the computer in my parents' room or my siblings laptops. I'm still going to try to post blogs on a regular basis, but I'm not sure how it will go. I'm really worried about my story. I'm not going to have as much time to write it, and I was just starting to update it pretty frequently. I'm trying to get a new laptop, but I'm not sure how long it'll take. Anyway, on to other things...
My church's summer social was yesterday. I worked at the stuffed animal booth for two hours. The kids had to throw balls and if they got them in certain holes, they won a stuffed animal. It was so hot outside. I got kind of sick when I got home, and I'm not sure if it was because of the heat or what. I could barely eat anything without my stomach hurting, and last night I thought I was going to vomit. I didn't, but it was not fun trying to sleep last night.
I watched episode 86 of Naruto earlier. It was a good episode, but not great.
I also finished reading Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons? You can see my review on Goodreads. I'm now reading Don't Take Love Lying Down by Brad Henning.
Also, VERY IMPORTANT! If you have a Facebook, go here, and vote for the Harry Potter Alliance. It's for a very good cause!
Days Until:
A Very Potter Sequel Youtube Premiere: 9
Florida and Wizarding World trip (2): 18 (We leave on Harry and Jo's birthday!)
My 17th Birthday: 22
Mockingjay Book: 42
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 129
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 367
Breaking Dawn Movie: 503
My church's summer social was yesterday. I worked at the stuffed animal booth for two hours. The kids had to throw balls and if they got them in certain holes, they won a stuffed animal. It was so hot outside. I got kind of sick when I got home, and I'm not sure if it was because of the heat or what. I could barely eat anything without my stomach hurting, and last night I thought I was going to vomit. I didn't, but it was not fun trying to sleep last night.
I watched episode 86 of Naruto earlier. It was a good episode, but not great.
I also finished reading Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons? You can see my review on Goodreads. I'm now reading Don't Take Love Lying Down by Brad Henning.
Also, VERY IMPORTANT! If you have a Facebook, go here, and vote for the Harry Potter Alliance. It's for a very good cause!
Days Until:
A Very Potter Sequel Youtube Premiere: 9
Florida and Wizarding World trip (2): 18 (We leave on Harry and Jo's birthday!)
My 17th Birthday: 22
Mockingjay Book: 42
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 129
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 367
Breaking Dawn Movie: 503
Friday, July 9, 2010
New Permit
I know it's been four days. There were a few times were I started to write a blog and then had nothing to write about, so I didn't post one. I still don't really have anything to write about.
I worked Monday through Thursday. I got a new permit on Wednesday, but they have to mail it to me (I have a paper one until then). This permit is good for two years, so I don't have to get my license until I gradate High School. I really hate driving...
I finished reading the Eclipse Illustrated Movie Companion. I reviewed it over on Goodreads which is an awesome site that anyone who reads should check out. I'm now reading Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons? by Matthew J. Pinto. It's a book for Catholic teenagers.
I've watched episodes 83 and 84 of Naruto. They were both awesome. I love learning about Sasuke's past and all the stuff with Itachi.
Days Until:
A Very Potter Sequel Youtube Premiere: 12
Florida and Wizarding World trip (2): 21 (We leave on Harry and Jo's birthday!)
My 17th Birthday: 25
Mockingjay Book: 45
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 132
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 370
Breaking Dawn Movie: 506
I worked Monday through Thursday. I got a new permit on Wednesday, but they have to mail it to me (I have a paper one until then). This permit is good for two years, so I don't have to get my license until I gradate High School. I really hate driving...
I finished reading the Eclipse Illustrated Movie Companion. I reviewed it over on Goodreads which is an awesome site that anyone who reads should check out. I'm now reading Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons? by Matthew J. Pinto. It's a book for Catholic teenagers.
I've watched episodes 83 and 84 of Naruto. They were both awesome. I love learning about Sasuke's past and all the stuff with Itachi.
Days Until:
A Very Potter Sequel Youtube Premiere: 12
Florida and Wizarding World trip (2): 21 (We leave on Harry and Jo's birthday!)
My 17th Birthday: 25
Mockingjay Book: 45
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 132
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 370
Breaking Dawn Movie: 506
Monday, July 5, 2010
4th of July 2010
It's been five days! I kept telling myself to write a blog and then I'd completely forget.
I haven't done much the past five days except work and going to my uncle's for the 4th of July.
On Saturday, my mom's side of the family went to my uncle's. We ate catfish from his lake which is always awesome, and some of the kids went swimming. That was about it.
We set off fireworks on Sunday (the actual 4th of July) at our house. It wasn't all that great though. They were pretty boring fireworks. I got some video that I'll upload to Youtube later (which you totally want to watch after I said it was boring).
Speaking of Youtube videos, I uploaded some videos from our trip that you can find here. I was going to upload some more today, but my dad was on the computer and then I had to go to work.
I could talk about the books I've been reading. I just started reading the Eclipse Illustrated Movie Companion. I really liked the first two, and this one's good so far. I love reading about how they make movies. It's why I love watching special features about how the movie was made on DVDs and wathcing the commentaries. I finished The Twilight Companion, but don't really want to talk about it. If I was Team Edward, I probably would have loved it. Since I'm Team Jacob, I wasn't thrilled with it. It would have been good if she hadn't talked about how perfect Edward was on every page, and almost completely never even mention Jacob exists. It got annoying.
I've watched episodes 79, 80, 81, and 82 of Naruto. All amazing episodes. I love this show. Kind of weird since I thought I'd hate it when I started watching it. I'd just heard so many people talk about it, and I wanted to see what it was like. I liked the first so many episodes, but I kind of made myself stick with it. Now I want to watch it all the time.
Days Until:
A Very Potter Sequel Youtube Premiere: 16
My 17th Birthday: 29
Mockingjay Book: 49
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 136
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 374
Breaking Dawn Movie: 510
I haven't done much the past five days except work and going to my uncle's for the 4th of July.
On Saturday, my mom's side of the family went to my uncle's. We ate catfish from his lake which is always awesome, and some of the kids went swimming. That was about it.
We set off fireworks on Sunday (the actual 4th of July) at our house. It wasn't all that great though. They were pretty boring fireworks. I got some video that I'll upload to Youtube later (which you totally want to watch after I said it was boring).
Speaking of Youtube videos, I uploaded some videos from our trip that you can find here. I was going to upload some more today, but my dad was on the computer and then I had to go to work.
I could talk about the books I've been reading. I just started reading the Eclipse Illustrated Movie Companion. I really liked the first two, and this one's good so far. I love reading about how they make movies. It's why I love watching special features about how the movie was made on DVDs and wathcing the commentaries. I finished The Twilight Companion, but don't really want to talk about it. If I was Team Edward, I probably would have loved it. Since I'm Team Jacob, I wasn't thrilled with it. It would have been good if she hadn't talked about how perfect Edward was on every page, and almost completely never even mention Jacob exists. It got annoying.
I've watched episodes 79, 80, 81, and 82 of Naruto. All amazing episodes. I love this show. Kind of weird since I thought I'd hate it when I started watching it. I'd just heard so many people talk about it, and I wanted to see what it was like. I liked the first so many episodes, but I kind of made myself stick with it. Now I want to watch it all the time.
Days Until:
A Very Potter Sequel Youtube Premiere: 16
My 17th Birthday: 29
Mockingjay Book: 49
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 136
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 374
Breaking Dawn Movie: 510
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