I haven't really done much since my last post except work. My phone also broke. I was using my old phone. AT&T sent a new phone that arrived today, but it doesn't work either. We can't figure out what's wrong. It can't be my SIM card because it worked fine in my old phone. I really hope we can figure it out soon.
I'm pretty sure I've only watched one episode of Naruto (episode 87) since my last post. It was a good episode.
I finished Don't Take Love Lying Down by Brad Henning. It was a really good book. I think every teenager should read it. I also read Pretties by Scott Westerfield which is the second book in the Uglies trilogy (although there is a fourth book that takes place in that world but with a different main character). It was amazing! I absolutely loved it! I definitely recommend reading that series. Now I'm reading Bedazzled: A Book About Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight Phenomenon. It's okay, but not incredibly good or anything. I've had a lot more time to read without a laptop as a distraction.
Days Until:
A Very Potter Sequel Youtube Premiere: 4
Florida and Wizarding World trip (2): 14
My 17th Birthday: 17
Mockingjay Book: 37
Deathly Hallow Part 1 Movie: 124
Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie: 362
Breaking Dawn Movie: 497
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