Thursday, November 14, 2013

Reaching the End of the Semester

We've definitely reached the part of the semester where everything is happening at once, and I am constantly doing homework. I'm not too stressed out as of right now though, and that's mostly because of knowing most of it will be turned in by Thanksgiving and that's not too far away. I'm hoping the thoughts of Thanksgiving will keep me from going crazy over the next two weeks.

I still have work to do today, but I've been working almost nonstop today (other than the break to watch an episode of Little House), so I decided to take a break really quickly. I just need to work on one of my papers and do some reading for one of my classes. Hopefully I can get it done in the next two hours.

I also have a mandatory hall meeting that I have to go to latter. It's going to be about Thanksgiving break and the safety check that happens while we're gone for Thanksgiving break. I don't mind going to the meeting, but I hate how late it is. I think they want to make sure that everyone's free, so they set it up when nothing else is going on. The only problem is that means it's late enough when I am done for the day, and I don't want to sit through a meeting. I wish they could have it now and get it over with. I'm hoping it won't last long. They're doing some sort of activity too, but I'm assuming that will be after they talk to us. I'm hoping the talking part only takes a few minutes.

Now, I need to get back to my homework if I want to finish before that meeting.

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