Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Life Post: Writing and a Meeting

The second half of this semester is shaping up to be just as hectic as the first half. I feel like there's always a lot going on, but so far it's stayed at a manageable level of busy. Yesterday was actually somewhat unbusy in the grand scheme of things. I didn't have anything particularly important to do other than go to my classes, but I've been writing more lately whenever I can, which means that even the days I don't actually have something to do I'm packing it full of writing time. The result is that I'm really never doing much other than school work or writing. Even on the weekends most of my days are writing. I'm not complaining, especially considering it's my decision to write so much and I love writing. It's just that I'm starting to wonder if I can keep this up. I'm kind of just waiting for me to hit a roadblock, and I don't mean the minor writer's block that I struggle with almost every day. I just mean feeling too tired from it all that I'll decide to stop writing quite so much every single day.

Tuesdays through Thursdays are always my "busy" days this semester because those three days are when I have the most classes. I guess it's good that way since Monday being less packed kind of eases me into the week, and then no one wants to pay attention on Fridays. Still, it makes getting through the middle part of the week a bit difficult sometimes.

Today I had a KDP meeting. It was only my second meeting and my first since I was officially a member. I still have to have my initiation, but I'm registered and all that. I think I was the only sophomore there too. They talked as if there were other sophomores, but when we all introduced ourselves (for the benefit of new people) I think I was the only one who said sophomore. Luckily, I knew about half the people there through classes anyway, so I wasn't as intimidated as I could have been. The games we played were fun too without me feeling really self-conscious. My only struggle really was having to stand up and introduce myself, but at least that only took a few seconds.

I guess I can't say entirely after only two meetings, but I think I'm really going to like KDP. The people I already know in there are great, and the others seem nice as well. The meetings involve getting club business done, but they also involve food and something fun. It just seems like it will be an all around good experience. Plus, it has great resources for me later on and it'll look good when I apply for jobs. That's always a good thing.

Tomorrow I actually don't have one of my usual classes. I won't have it for a week and a half, which is great. That means I'll actually have a lunch break on those days, and it'll be less busy. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow just for that. It's always so hard making it through those days of classes. We're still doing work online though, so it's not like I'm getting out of class entirely. This just means that I get to actually eat lunch on those days.

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