Where do I even begin? Yesterday was unbelievably amazing. We got into the arena and realized that our seats were actually second row instead of fourth, and although we were as far off to the side as you could get on floor, our view was insanely good.
Icona Pop and Karmin were the first two acts, and while I only knew a couple of their songs, both did an amazing job. I definitely think I became fans of both groups after seeing them perform. It was really awesome.
Josh Kaufman was after that, and he wasn't on stage for that long. Plus, he had a bit of trouble with the technology. He seemed kind of nervous, which is completely understandable considering he hasn't been performing like that for long. He's insanely talented though, and I look forward to seeing what he does in the future. I think it's awesome that he's from Indianapolis.
Then it was Little Mix's turn, and that was, of course, the entire reason I was there. Oh my God, guys. They were unbelievably amazing. I can't even get over the fact that it happened. Like I said, our view was incredible. It wasn't like One Direction or anything where we were far back and all of that. I could actually make out the girls' facial expressions and everything throughout the entire thing. I've never been to a concert like that, and it was the most incredible time ever.
As soon as Salute (the first song they performed) was over and the girls started talking, my sister leaned over and shouted (resulting in just barely being heard) that their accents were cute, which is so true. I already knew that from seeing them in Indy last year, but I feel like I need to say it again. It's not that they sound different in person, but there is some sort of aspect to their voices (both singing and talking) that you don't get through recordings. Each time I've heard them in person it's struck me how adorable they talk because it's not quite the same as watching them in a video.
Speaking of my sister though, she's now a Little Mix fan! She used to go on about hating them, but before the concert I think I'd managed to warm her up to a "they're okay" sort of thing. Once Little Mix had finished though, my sister told me that she was now a fan, and we were talking about that in the car during our ride home too. I'm really happy about that. Honestly, I don't think you can see Little Mix perform live and not fall in love with them. They're insanely talented, and while you can see that a thousand different ways, it really hits you when you watch them perform. It's just insane.
One of the best parts (if I can even choose a best part about seeing Little Mix) was that we got to sing Jesy happy birthday. I'm so, so excited about that, and I can't even believe it happened. I wasn't expecting them to acknowledge it because her birthday is actually today (the day after the concert). However, it was already her birthday in England by the time they were on stage, so I'm considering that as counting. At any rate, the girls brought it up and got us all to sing. It was amazing.
The girls all looked so happy too. You can tell they're in their element when they're on stage, and they were all smiling and happy. It was the best. I should stop gushing though. My sister filmed bits, including the happy birthday and them singing Wings, so I'm really happy to have that, and I'm going to put it up on Youtube once it all finishes uploading right now.
Austin Mahone and Jason Derulo were both good too. I'm not a big fan of either, but they're each good performers. It was fun.
I'm still just really happy about it all. I'll definitely be remembering that night forever. My ears are still ringing really badly too, so I wonder when I'll have my complete hearing back. It was worth it though. Last night was the best.
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