Sunday, March 8, 2015

Life Post: "Spring" Break is Here

It's officially spring break even though for the entire drive home from school I don't think we saw anything but snow. It's at least melting for the most part today, so I guess that makes it more spring-like. I only wore a hoodie earlier today, and I hadn't been able to do that up in Indianapolis since before Christmas break. That's always good. I'm hoping that when I go back up to Indianapolis after break, it'll be warmer there too, but we'll see.

My allergies were not happy about being here. They were so terrible yesterday that it was hard for me to do anything because my head hurt and just wouldn't go away no matter what I did. I was worried that would carry over into today as well, but I actually feel much better. They're more like how they usually are. And the time change doesn't seem to be bothering me either since I switched time zones for break, and the time change just put me back on the time I was on.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to finish up the first draft of the fanfiction I've been working on while I'm home for break. I'm also three books behind on my Goodreads reading challenge (unless I've gotten more behind since I last checked but I won't check again to find out), so I'm really hoping I'll get some reading done too. I did read last night which is the first time I've managed that in ages. I take it as a good sign. Hopefully I get even more reading in though.

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