still love them. Maybe that's for nostalgia or love of the books more than the movies themselves. I'll never know. I've been watching them since I was eight, so they've just ingrained themselves into my life. Harry Potter tends to be my go to way of cheering myself up when nothing else is working, and typically, I don't feel like reading in those situations. That makes the movies very convenient. Harry Potter tops just about every list ever for me.

Pirate of the Caribbean. I know that many people tend to like the first Pirates movie and then not like the ones after that. I do. I think that's largely because of what I said earlier about liking to come back to the same characters, even if a lot of the Pirates cast has changed from the first movie. I still think they're a lot of fun and enjoy them.
There were several others that almost wound up on the list, and it was hard to cut it off at three. I told myself I was going to stop there though, so I'll refrain myself. I feel like people who follow me on Tumblr especially are aware of what those are anyway since I reblog stuff from them pretty frequently.
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