Monday, June 1, 2015

Three Musical Artists I Want to See Live

I've been extremely lucky in that I've gotten to see almost every single one of my favorite artists perform. I'm so thankful for it, especially when it comes to Little Mix and One Direction. However, there are several other artists I would love to see perform that I haven't yet. Here are a few of them:

Miss A. This one would be a bit harder to pull off than a lot of other artists just because they're a Kpop group. You don't get many Kpop concerts in America. If I wind up living in Korea someday like I'm considering, it would be more plausible but still probably unlikely. I'd consider myself to be insanely lucky if I actually managed to make it happen.

Taylor Swift. I've seen a lot of different pictures, videos, etc. of Taylor Swift concerts and they always look like incredibly well put together shows even if you take the music out of it. After 1989, I'm especially eager to go to one of her concerts because I'm obsessed with that album to an extent that I never was with her other music.

Demi Lovato. Like with Taylor, here concerts look like so much fun to me. I think it would be amazing, and I just think she is an insanely talented person.When she last came to Indianapolis, I really wanted to go, but the timing of the concert and stuff wasn't really ideal. Fingers crossed that I get another chance in the future.

There are others of course, but I think I'd single these three out as the ones that I would choose first if I had a choice between various different artists and had to pick one out of them. Of course, concerts can be a bit difficult considering how much they often cost and you have to hope that they come near you and all of that. Still, hopefully everything will line up one day. We'll see what happens.

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