Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Life Post: Buses and Worry

I've had a much longer morning than anticipated. Today was my youngest sibling's first day of school and first time riding the bus. My mom had a meeting at work that overlapped with the exact time he had to get on the bus, and she was in this huge state of panic that he'd miss it somehow. She ordered me to be dressed and ready to drive him to school if I needed to. As someone who wrote the bus in high school, I was pretty confident that as long as he left on time, he'd be fine. Lo and behold, he was fine.

My mom's still paranoid he's going to miss it at the end of the school day though, so I have to be ready for that. I probably fueled that missing the bus in the afternoon the first day I rode it too, so there's that. I talked to him about it and told him exactly what to do though, so he's going into it less confused than I was. (Not that I really should have been confused. It was pretty straight-forward. I was just a ball of nerves the first day of freshmen year. I also dunked my hand into some ranch dressing at lunch on accident. So there's that.)

I think he'll be fine, but even if he misses it, I'll go pick him up. Nothing terrible is going to happen. Hopefully my mom will have more faith in him and the buses after this one day goes smoothly.

But at any rate, I was up earlier than planned to make sure he left on time. I went back to bed afterwards, but it wasn't all that long. It definitely left me feeling groggy, but I'm also thankful that I didn't have to get up and go to school. I get to sit around at home and write instead. Although I kind of feel like I'm on call even if he won't text me until this afternoon if he needs to. I still feel like I need to be prepared. I think my mom has managed to work up my own nerves just from how nervous she was. Otherwise, I'd feel completely confident that things would go fine.

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