It's time for this year's Armchair BEA to come to an end. It really did fly by. Even after posting daily for the first time in who knows how long, I have to say that it left me feeling far more energized than tired. (Granted. It's easy to say as much when summer break just started and I'm reveling in the previous semester being over.)
I have found some new bloggers to follow, which is particularly great as I'd been itching for new blogs to subscribe to for a while. Over time, I'd been finding it harder and harder to find new blogs even when I was searching, so I've loved Armchair BEA for that.
Plus, you can never complain about more opportunities to discuss books with people who enjoy reading as much as you do. The Twitter chats were perhaps the funnest part of Armchair BEA for me. I've had some excellent discussions surrounding books (and even some slightly off topic discussions) the past few days.
For anyone who missed any of this weeks posts, here's what I posted this week:
Introduction and Diversity in Books
Aesthetic Concerns - Books and Blogs
Beyond the Books & Beyond the Blog
Surviving Fictional Worlds
I look forward to participating in Armchair BEA in 2017. While I was excited this year, I think I'll be even more excited come next year now that I know exactly what to expect. I'm very glad I participated this week.
I also really enjoyed the Twitter Chats.
ReplyDeleteENJOY this week.
Silver's Reviews
Nice to meet you Haley! Armchair BEA has been fun this year. Have a good week!
ReplyDeleteIt was fun chatting with you this week. I hope to see you again next year!
ReplyDeleteIt's been fun chatting with you as well, and I definitely plan to participate next year!