Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Life Post: Student Teaching

I've been rather MIA from the Internet for the past couple of days. I did manage to get a book review posted yesterday, but that and a few Tumblr posts have really been the extent of my Internet activity. That's because I began student teaching on Monday, and right from the beginning, life has begun to feel hectic.

The workload wasn't unexpected though, and it's really not that bad. There will be more work as the experience continues. I know the only reason I even feel particularly busy at the moment is because it was just summer break. I still have to snap myself out of that mode.

I'm pretty sure that I mentioned at some point in the past that I was unlikely to really talk about student teaching on here. That's for the same reason that I've never talked about any of my previous practicums here either. There's student privacy concerns, and on top of that, I don't know if it's anything that anyone would have an interest in unless they're in education. (Towards the end though, I may write up some posts about it that would most likely be geared as advice for future student teachers, since blog posts like that have really helped me a lot recently. We'll see.)

What I will say is that the first two days have gone well. The students' first day is tomorrow, so the past two days have been meetings and preparing for the students. While I have yet to see everything "in action", I do think the meetings gave me a great overview of how the school works before the students show up. Fingers crossed that the rest of the experience goes just as well.

I'm not planning on the workload of student teaching to prevent me from posting that much because I'm going to try to write as many blog posts as I can on weekends (not that I won't also be doing school work on the weekends) and then scatter posting them. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if posts do come out less frequently. We'll just have to see what happens as the semester goes on. It's a new experience for me, so I don't know what exactly to expect.

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