Sunday, December 8, 2019

Life Post: Christmas Stress

In the week since my last life post, my stress levels have increased dramatically. If you read my last post, that may not be the most surprising thing in the world, but I'm feeling it even more.

It's hit me how little time I have to prepare for my trip to the US considering how many days I'll be at work, including an extra day for training. I still have two Christmas presents I need to buy, and they absolutely need to be bought this weekend. That might be a little less stressful if I had any idea what to buy, but I don't. I'm going to the store tomorrow to look and hope I find something. If not, I'm kind of screwed there.

Honestly, though, I'm feeling pretty exhausted today. Yesterday my allergies started flaring up. One of my co-workers got sick, so yesterday, everyone was saying, "I'm not getting sick," throughout the day. I don't think I'm actually sick; it's just allergies. However, my allergies are bad enough that I woke up at 4:00 a.m. last night and couldn't fall back asleep for an hour, so I'm feeling quite exhausted today.

Logically, I know that tomorrow's a new day, and I could feel way better (or at least not as bad). Still, I keep thinking about how I have to go buy the presents, and it feels me with dread. (My anxiety refuses to let me just forget about it until tomorrow.) So, fingers crossed that it all works out. After that, I just have to pack, which I'd also prefer to think about it.

Other than tomorrow, I also only have one more day off in Japan before I leave for the U.S., which is strange to think about because if you include the days I'm working it's much longer.

Maybe once I get the shopping done, I can take the time to watch some Christmas movies and actually feel the holiday spirit a bit.

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