Friday, February 11, 2022

How I Met Your Father 1x04 "Dirty Thirty" Review

This episode focuses on Sophie's 30th birthday and also her developing relationship with Drew, particularly how she feels like she's much more immature than Drew.

I do get the "different kind of adults" thing. I also like the relationship Drew and Sophie have, especially at the end of the episode where he assures her that he doesn't care and they bond over Christina Aguilera. While I know he's not going to be the dad so there's an expiration date on the relationship, I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.

We learn more about Jesse and Ellen's backstory. Their dad cheated, which led to their parents getting divorced, and Ellen moved with their mom to Iowa while Jesse stayed with their dad. Before this, I'd assumed they were both from Iowa, but I guess Jesse actually grew up in New York. Or, at least, he didn't grow up in Iowa. The scene where they make up was sweet, and I'm looking forward to seeing them become closer over the course of the series as they actually learn about each other.

Charlie and Valentina also get into an argument this episode about not being an actual couple, but they end the episode deciding to be in a relationship. Honestly, for a bit, I thought they might actually break up, but nope.

Overall, I enjoyed this episode. I'm liking the cast so far and the relationships between the characters, both romantic and otherwise, as they develop.

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