Saturday, January 12, 2019

Life Post: 2019 Goals

It's that strange part of the year where I never get the year right. January also marks a year and a half that I've been in Japan, which is becoming less strange to say. I've definitely settled here, so it no longer feels odd that I've been here longer than a year.

The new year is usually a time to set resolutions, and since we're making all of our students set resolutions, I feel like it's only fair that I set one of my own. I've been studying Japanese since before I came to Japan, but this year I want to give myself more concrete goals, which is something I should make myself do considering I make my students do it. So, I've made concrete plans to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). I'm posting about that here to give me the push to not back out on it, though I'm not sure how much I'll talk about it here.

Taking the actual test won't come for a while yet, but I'm creating a plan to help me study for it and paying attention to the exact vocabulary and skills I need for it, as opposed to my more scattered studying of the past. We'll see how it goes.

Though it's not as concrete of a goal, I'm also hoping to post more here in 2019 than I did in 2018. That's always been a goal; I never planned to slow down so much. There was just a lot going on, but I think I've reached a point where I'm managing. It's more that that just happened to line up with the new year than it was that I did it on purpose in the new year. Here's to getting to finally talk about all those books and shows that I've been reading and watching since I got to Japan.

I look forward to seeing you guys more in the coming months.

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