Monday, March 23, 2020

Life Post: More of the New Normal

It's been nearly two weeks since my last post, but not much has changed here that I can update you about. Future plans of mine have been altered thanks to COVID-19, but there were reasons why I was refraining from talking about them before: there was still a possibility they would change. And now they have.

The future feels quite a bit uncertain now. Americans have been told to go back home or stay where they are, and I've chosen to stay where I am.

Daily life here in the Japanese countryside mostly feels the same as usual. Some people are choosing to stay home, but far more seem to be going about their daily lives. I'm still working. There was one case here a while ago, and it's still the only case reported here. But I do feel anxious about what might happen next.

To everyone else: I hope you're safe and doing what you can to protect yourselves and other people. While we can't possibly predict what will happen next, I hope everyone stays safe.

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard not to feel anxious or concerned about things, and you're definitely right, the future feels super uncertain... I keep trying to pick up books and find that my anxiety keeps distracting me and I can't focus on it. :(
