Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Star Trek: Discovery Review: 4x03 "Choose to Live"

The story seemed to move just a little bit slower in this episode than in the first two. Which isn't to say that the episode was slow, just that I was less surprised by how fast things were happening.

A Qowat Milat sister named J'Vini is stealing dilithium, and at the start of the episode, she kills a Star Fleet officer. This leads Gabrielle to come and join the mission to track J'Vini down. It was nice to see Gabrielle again, even though there was some tension between her and Michael like there always seems to be.

It turns out that J'Vini was trying to save an entire species, which they do successfully do, but I'm curious about whether this has anything to do with the rest of the story this season. J'Vini is handed over the Ni'Var, and Michael worries that she won't actually be punished, but for the most part, that particular story seemed closed. It was kind of connected to everything else since J'Vini was worried about the species getting killed by the anomaly, but still, I just don't know how this was supposed to fit into everything else.

We get a lot of Ni'Var in this episode because Stamets and Book also go there to explore what happened to Kwejian. Stamets theory ends up being disproven, but while there, Book relives what happened, which seems to do him a lot of good.

Saru and Tilly have a really great moment in this episode that is yet another reason why it's so great to have Saru back with Discovery.

Gray gets his body back in this episode! Despite my earlier worries that the story would drag on with problems, I was actually quite confident during the episode that he'd be in the body by the end, and lo and behold, he was. Still, the scene between him and Adira towards the end of the episode, when Adira is trying to reach him and then Gray tells them that he heard them, was really sweet.

That was definitely the highlight of the episode for me. I'm excited to see where Gray's storyline goes next now that he has a body.

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