Monday, February 21, 2022

Star Trek: Discovery 4x09 "Rubicon" Review

 The situation with the DMA has progressed faster than I was expecting it too, which shouldn't be surprising since that happens a lot in Discovery. After Book and Tarka took the weapon, I thought more time was going to be spent actually chasing them and that they'd be stopped at the very end of the season. Now I'm realizing that the finale may have more to do with the unknown species itself instead of Book and Tarka.

Nhan comes back in this episode! This wasn't a shock since she was in the preview for the second half of the season, but it's still exciting to see her again. It was sad to hear about what happened on her home world, She mentions possibly coming back to Discovery in the future, so I'm curious if that's supposed to be a hint that she might rejoin the show at some point. Whether she does or not, it was great to see her, and I loved seeing her and Michael's relationship.

This episode gives us more between President T'Rina and Saru. I keep forgetting that's a thing that's happening until it pops up again. I'm honestly not sure how I feel. Mostly because I'm not entirely convinced of their feelings. I don't know that we've seen enough between them to actually have seen their feelings develop despite us being repeatedly told that they have feelings for each other.

There's some tension among the crew when Rhys starts voicing support for Book's actions and arguing with the other crew members about it. This leads to a line where he tells Bryce that he doesn't know what it's like to lose everything, but that seems like a strange thing to say? The whole crew has traveled into the future and lost most of the people they knew and cared about because of it. I don't know how he could argue that any one of them doesn't understand loss.

When Discovery's shuttle gets close to Book's ship, a security system Tarka installed kicks in, and they nearly die because of it. This immediately creates tension between Book and Tarka, which is unsurprising. Book's already been trusting Tarka more than I ever would have. I'd have expected him to be more cautious after that happened, but he doesn't really seem to.

Michael ends up reaching Book at the end of the episode, and he stands down. But Tarka launches the weapon anyway because of course he does. This was one of those moments where I was screaming at the screen the whole time about Tarka doing exactly that. It was incredibly obvious what was coming, especially after he'd already messed with Book's ship without telling him and damaged Discovery. The fact that no one seemed more concerned about Tarka doing it on his own seems so short-sighted that it kind of broke my suspension of disbelief.

It is kind of satisfying to know that Tarka can't even go back to his home universe because it's powered from the other side though. I have to admit. I have essentially no sympathy for him at this point.

Destroying the DMA turns out to have been for nothing because a new DMA appears in its place. Now they've made first contact with the unknown species, and I'm guessing that a potential conflict with that species is going to drive the rest of the season. I am curious to learn more about this species and to see what happens.

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