Friday, October 21, 2022

Andor 1x07 "Announcement" Review

After the last episode, I was curious about where the story would be going next. A lot of this episode wasn't too surprising for me, but the end managed to surprise me. I'm still not sure if that was in a good way or not.

Syril's mom has gotten him an interview at the Bureau of Standards where he gets a job monitoring fuel purity. It sounds boring, and the image of Syril at a computer in a room full of people at the same computers reinforces that idea. Since the end of the episode implies a time skip, I'm guessing he's going to have been stewing in misery for years the next time we see him, which will probably make him even hard to stand.

Meanwhile, Dedra is doing mostly the same thing she's been doing in every episode so far, but this time she gets accused by another supervisor of overstepping. He's clearly hoping to get her into trouble, but instead, their supervisor praises her and assigns her Ferrix. I'm guessing that means she'll be more involved in stuff that's actually happening to Cassian and/or the Rebellion in the coming episodes.

On Coruscant, Mon Mothma realizes that Luthen is behind the attack, and she's angry. Apparently she wanted to build a network but didn't think much about what would happen after that. I can get that in the sense that all the planning in the world can't always fully prepare you for when things finally happen.

She does seem to get over it relatively quickly though and is already making more plans later in the episode with an old friend of hers. She tells the friend that her husband isn't to be trusted, which is to be expected from what we've seen of him. However, I am curious about her and her husband. They seem to have such wildly different views, so how did they end up together? Did they ever love each other? I'm leaning towards the theory that Mon Mothma's mind changed over time considering some of what her friend says. 

I don't know if we'll actually find out much about her or her husband's backstory, but I am curious.

Vel also appears again in this episode. I have to admit, I'd forgotten about her by the time she popped up. If she hadn't appeared again at all (or at least for a while), I probably would have just gone with it. However, she's instructed to kill Cassian because he knows about Luthen. That does make me curious.

I still wonder who, exactly, Luthen is working for or if he's working merely for himself. I don't fully trust his intentions, especially with his plans to kill off loose ends like this. I have a feeling Vel is going to become allies with Cassian though instead of killing him.

Cassian goes back to Ferrix to get his mother, which was nice to see. I honestly wondered if we would get to see her again. We also see Bix again, and I have a feeling that she'll show up again before the series is over too, despite how things end between her and Cassian.

There's a flashback of Clem being killed, and Maarva ultimately decides to stay on Ferrix and talks about the Rebellion. I have a feeling that the future episodes will involve Cassian going back to Ferrix as well since everything seems to be leading back there. And I'm guessing it's going to find that Maarva, Bix, and maybe others he knows are working for the Rebellion. But we'll see.

Maarva also urges Cassian to stop looking for his sister, and I doubt that will happen. So I'm curious about how she'll eventually find her way into the story too.

The episode ends with Cassian on Niamos, which is essentially this resort type of place. Long story short, he gets arrested and sentenced to six years in prison. I'm guessing this is an excuse for a time skip, but it does feel a little jarring tacked onto the end of the episode.

While the end did feel strange, I'm looking forward to the upcoming episodes and am excited for them more than I was for the previous episodes. I think the Rebellion is finally going to come into the story in a larger way, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with that.

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