Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Some Awesome Stuff

Guess what came in the mail today!  My signed copy of The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson, and it came with some awesome magnets and a pen.  It's so awesome!  The magnets were really amusing and full of jokes that you would only get if you follow Maureen on Twitter.  For example, one of them is a picture of a jar.

Also, I can't forget to tell you about something else awesome I got today.  I got a form thing about this writing competition for students in the area I live in.  To enter, you have to write a non-fiction or fiction short story about social media and how it's affected you or someone elses life.  I already have an idea on what I'm going to do.  Considering I'm currently typing a blog, editing a video, and have twitter up to check it every so often I think this is a subject I should have a fairly easy time writing about.

A lot more happened today, but that's basically the two most note-worthy things.  I'm never sure how to end these blogs.  They end up jumping around a lot.  There's no flow.  Oh well, I don't have time to worry about that right now.

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