Saturday, June 18, 2022

Obi-Wan Kenobi Part V Review

This episode had me on the edge of my seat. It was probably my favorite so far.

We get flashbacks to Obi-Wan and Anakin training in this episode, which means that we do actually get to see Hayden's face beyond previous footage. It's a little funny because they're both obviously older despite when the clips are meant to take place, but that's much preferable to the CGI they've been using to recreate younger versions of characters recently.

Aside from those flashbacks, this episode suffers from the problem that it's so dark that I could hardly see what was happening on the screen, even when I brightened it. That's starting to become my pet peeve in TV shows and movies.

This episode focuses a lot on Reva, who becomes an even more interesting character as we learn about her backstory and motivations. We learn that she was a youngling, which isn't terribly surprising considering the comments about her powers earlier in the series. I suspected there was more to that than just her being Force-sensitive. Still, I enjoyed the depth her story gave her character, and I wasn't really expecting her to be trying to kill Darth Vader. That was a great twist.

Obi-Wan ends up surrendering to her and telling her that he wants to work together to defeat Vader.

The droid from earlier sacrifices itself to save Tala, who then also sacrifices herself by throwing a grenade. I enjoyed how emotionally powerful that scene was.

In happier news, Lola is okay! After me being so worried that she'd have to be destroyed or something last time, Leia fixes her pretty quickly. It almost seemed to be too quick. If it was that easy to pull the thing off, then Reva seemed a little too confident that her plan would work last episode. But, at any rate, I'm glad that Lola seems okay again.

At the end of the episode, Reva attacks Vader once the others have gotten away, but he reveals that he knows who she is. I really loved this whole scene and how it played out. We also see Reva find Bail's message where he mentions Luke, which makes me incredibly curious about what's going to happen in the next episode.

The ship they're trying to escape on also doesn't have a working hyperdrive, yet they're being tailed, so it looks likely that we'll get another confrontation, possibly between Obi-Wan and Anakin, in the next episode.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this series wraps up in the next episode.

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