Saturday, June 25, 2022

Obi-Wan Kenobi Part VI Review

This finally definitely didn't let me down. I have such a soft spot for endings, and this one hit all the right points for me.

Reva does end up going to Tatooine to look for Owen and Luke. Beru refuses to leave their home when they learn that Reva is coming, so they end up fighting her. We saw very little of Beru in the series, but I absolutely loved her in this episode. I wish we'd gotten more of her and also of Owen and Luke. Leia was such a great character, and it would have been great to spend that much time with little Luke too.

Meanwhile, Darth Vader is still trying to get to Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan offers to give himself up in order to protect the others. This leads to an emotional goodbye with Leia, and Leia ends up giving him Lola after him joking about needing to borrow her, which was absolutely adorable.

Obi-Wan's final fight with Darth Vader was extremely powerful. There are some incredible quotes in this scene, including "Anakin is gone. I am what remains." and "You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker. I did." Those lines along with Darth Vader's mask being partially destroyed, allowing Obi-Wan to see his face, were very powerful.

Reva's attempt to kill Luke is almost as powerful. She comes close, but in the end, she can't do it. The scene where she asks Obi-Wan if this makes her like Vader really got to me. I would love to see more of Reva's story and what happens to her after this.

At the end of the episode, we get to see Darth Vader talking to the Emperor, which I should have expected. It's honestly impressive how many appearances we got in this.

Leia continues to be amazing right through to the end. She wears the holster that Obi-Wan gave her once back home and tells her dad that, "If I'm going to do this, I'm going to want to change a few things." Honestly, I could watch a whole show about little Leia too. Seriously. I want spin offs about little Leia, little Luke, and Reva now.

When Obi-Wan first started trying to talk to Qui-Gon Jinn, I wondered if we were going to see him, and lo and behold, he does make a cameo at the very end. I was pretty much expected that at that point, but it was still cool to see.

I really enjoyed this series. I'm sad it's over, but I also think part of the reason why it was so good was precisely because it's a limited series, so I'm not sure I'd want another season. I'm just thankful for what we got.

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