Friday, July 1, 2016

List Post: Back from Vacation and Check Out Potterhead July

We are back from vacation. Actually, we have been since the beginning of this week. That's why I was able to upload the video that I filmed while there (and the Reign review that I filmed before leaving but didn't have the wifi to upload).

Looking back at that post I wrote from my phone, it's a lot longer than I thought it would be while typing my phone. I won't lie. It's nice to be typing on a computer again. While I love smartphones and think it's amazing that we have the ability to access the Internet from phones now, typing on a phone will just never be as easy as typing on an actual keyboard. Not unless the trend for large phones keeps going and going and we end up with something more like a laptop than a phone. I hope that doesn't happen, but to be fair, I also didn't like how large the iPhone 6 was until I got one and began using it. Now whenever I use my mom's iPhone 4 it feels ridiculously small.

Anyway, that was a tangent I didn't mean to go on. I'm primarily writing this post to say, "Hey. We're back from vacation." I've had a string of videos on the blog without any written posts since, so I figured I needed to post something. The reason for that is that I had the two videos either from vacation or before vacation that needed to be posted. Plus, I've been posting quite a few fanfictions that I've been working on, and I have been busy finishing up editing all of those. With that and feeling like I needed a rest after vacation (Am I the only one who feels like they need to rest after a vacation instead of coming back feeling rested?), I just haven't been up for getting any posts up.

Although, while I said that, I do have two posts saved as drafts right now. As of right now they were me blurting thoughts out into a draft. None of it is logically organized to make sense to anyone but me because I didn't feel like making them coherent to others while writing them. I will make those easier to read and post them soon, but one of them is for the Potterhead July blog festival, which means you won't be seeing it until my designated day on July 14th. (As you can see from the schedule, I'm writing about my next generation headcanons. Yay!) I'm incredibly excited to be participating in the event, and I highly recommend that you go read every one else's posts as well. It starts today (July 1st). Who doesn't want to talk about Harry Potter every day for a month?

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