Thursday, March 10, 2022

How I Met Your Father 1x09 "Jay Street" Review

There was a lot packed into this episode that I want to talk about. After quite a few episodes that were fine but didn't leave me with much to say, this one left me with a lot of thoughts.

Before we get to what felt like the "real" episode, though, we get a clip of some guy having an affair and his wife walking in on him and his affair partner. Sophie's son interrupts this story to ask why she's telling him this, and Sophie claims it will be relevant later. However, it never becomes relevant in this episode, so I have no idea what this scene is establishing. It seems odd to just stick it early in an episode and then bring it up later in a different episode. I don't know if this is something we'll hear about in the next episode or if we're supposed to remember this later down the line.

Valentina and Sid have a mutual freak out over Sophie and Jesse having kissed, and they tell everyone else what happened despite Sophie and Jesse wanting them to keep it quiet. They go so far as to talk about them having kids, and Sid mentions having "shipped" them, which isn't a term that I'm ever going to get used to hearing on television.

Honestly, the conversation about Sophie and Jesse having kids one day makes me think even more that Jesse isn't the father. It just seems too obvious at this point.

It turns out that Sophie and Drew hadn't broken up last episode, and I'm glad the fact that Sophie cheating was mentioned and not completely glossed over like I was a little worried it would be. A few of the characters dismiss it because she's breaking up with Drew that day, and she does actually do so after struggling due to Drew's parents being there.

Meanwhile, most of the cast is at the bar because Charlie has planned a Friends Soccer Day, which doesn't go too well since no one pays attention to the soccer. In the end, it turns out that Charlie is homesick. Valentina tries to cheer him up by decorating the apartment with superficially British stuff, and they hug, but Charlie's face during that scene seems to hint that the situation isn't actually resolved.

Considering Charlie is part of the main cast, I don't think he's going back to England any time soon, so I'm curious what's going to happen with him (and Valentina) next. Or maybe he will go back and then he'll end up coming back not long after.

Hannah is in this episode again! I continue to be amazed by how often she can travel to New York considering how busy she's supposed to be.

She and Sid fight again in this episode, so that cements my belief that they're going to break up soon. Especially when she mentions that they might have to be long distance for even longer as she's considering staying in California.

While Sophie is dealing with breaking up with Drew, Jesse goes to see Meredith after he hears her song. Meredith says she wants to get back together, and we don't know Jesse's answer yet. We only know that he's late to the dinner with Sophie. We don't know if he'll stand her up entirely. 

I truly don't have any idea how this will go. I could see it either way. I'm hoping that, if he does get back together with Meredith, he doesn't blow Sophie off entirely and there's at least a phone call or something where he explains things to her, but we'll see, I guess.

As future Sophie is walking away, we see that she has the picture of Jesse that she took on her wall. On the one hand, that could be a sign that he's the father, but I think it's just as likely that it's there because that picture got her into the gallery and that jumpstarted her career. Plus, even if Jesse is the father, I do think they'll be good friends at the end of the series. So while I think the picture is there to make us suspicious, I don't necessarily think it's a sign he's the father. I mean, he could be, but the picture doesn't make it any more or less likely in my mind.

At this point, I'm more interested in whether or not Jesse is showing up at that restaurant or not in the next episode than I am what the picture means.

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