Monday, April 19, 2010

Converting to Buddhism?

I didn't do that much work at school today which is probably a good thing because I felt like I was about to pass out the whole day.  I should probably try to get more sleep...

We just worked on work sheets in world history.  We only have two chapters left in the book!  The chapter we're on talks about stuff from about the 70's until now.  It covers the Soviet Union breaking up, 9/11, and more.

In art, we took notes on some Italian artist and worked on our pastel drawings.

We had a sub in personal finance.  We watched part of a Dave Ramsey video and worked on our folders.  Since I already had my folder done, I spent most of the class reading and talking to a guy in my class named Colton about Harry Potter.  He's been trying to get me to talk for a while because I'm so quiet.

While I was in line for lunch, some girl in front of me was freaking out because the boy she likes is apparently converting to Buddhism.  She was going on about how they'd have nothing in common anymore and her mom won't let him in the house when she finds out.  You would have thought he was joining the Occult or something.  I was standing behind her trying very hard not to laugh.  I don't know who this guy is, or why he's apparently converting to Buddhism.  It's kind of interesting.  I wonder if he'll actually do it.

We also had a sub in Spanish.  We watched the movie Rudy.  While watching it, we have to take notes about positive attitude since that's our character trait at school for the month (our school does a character education thing).  I guess she's trying to make us learn something while she gone (she won't be there tomorrow either), and there's no sub who can teach Spanish.

We didn't do much in English either.  We went to the lab to work on our Snowbound projects which I was already done with so I worked on our vocab homework.  After that, we read from Shakspeare Bats Cleanup, and that was about it.

I've started reading Uglies by Scott Westerfield.  I really like it so far.  The chapters aren't numbered, so I'm not sure which chapter I'm on, but it's called "Rapids."

I work tomorrow.  Hopefully, it will go by quickly.


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