Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Eyewitness Review: Episodes 1-6

I have recently become very obsessed with the new show Eyewitness on USA. The story is about two teenage boys who witness a murder and are too scared to tell anyone. It's wonderful, and it has LGBT representation. What more could you want?

(Note: As I post this, episode 7 has also aired and I have reviewed it, but I first wrote this post several days before that episode aired.)

As this post is going to be a review of the first six episodes (since I came into the show somewhat late), this will be more general than specific.

This show feels like one of those shows that has elements that just about anyone could like, which is why it frustrates me so much that they're struggling to get views.

You have the mystery of the case that Helen is trying to solve, but I love that you as the audience pretty much knows everything even as you're watching the characters try to figure it out. I'm not sure if I've ever watched a show that was so focused on a criminal case but the show flat out showed for the audience what had happened.

Then there is, of course, the relationship between Lukas and Philip. They're both wonderful characters though they are far from perfect. Their relationship feels like such a realistic one for two teenagers who are struggling with finding themselves. They make plenty of mistakes, but it makes it feel very realistic.

I've fallen in love with them, and I can't wait to see what happens between them in the future.

There is plenty more that could be said, but if I allow myself to get into it all, we'll be here forever. When I review episode 7, I will definitely talk about more specific details, so look forward to that. I certainly am.

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