Friday, November 11, 2016

Life Post: College is Coming to a Close

We're getting scarily close to the end of my student teaching placement. In another week, it'll all be over. That's exciting, yes, but it's also both sad and terrifying. There's a sense of relief that I'll finally be graduating after going an extra semester. There's the sadness of leaving the kids I've been teaching, and there's the fear of moving on to the unknown.

Student teaching has isolated me from my university quite a bit even though I'm still living on campus. I have a night class that's me and one other student teacher. Everyone I regularly had classes with older than me or in my year have now graduated (except the other current student teacher). My former classmates who are a year or two below me are still here, but I never see them since I'm at school all day. In a way, it's like that's prepared me for graduation.

But, of course, actually graduating will be so much different. I have to find a job (a current work in progress) and become a "real" adult, whatever that means. Even though that's what I've been going to college to accomplish, that's quite terrifying.

Yesterday, we filled out the paperwork to get our teaching licenses. It seems like every day something is happening that makes it all feel more like a reality. Next week is my final evaluation conference with my supervisor and cooperating teacher. In two weeks I have a job interview. It's all very much real, and while I could be more terrified, I'm not entirely unaffected by it all.

Here's hoping for the best.

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