Thursday, July 31, 2014

Life Post: Friends, Babysitting, and Writing

The Most exciting aspect of my past couple of days is that I got to see my friends Haley and Jordan and hang out with them for a while. It was really nice. I'd only seen Jordan once this summer, and this was the first time I'd seen Haley. It sucks that it's so late in the summer. I'm terrible at realizing how much time is actually left of break and making plans to see everyone before the very end. We had fun though, and it was awesome getting to catch up with them for a while.

Other than that, I've pretty much just been babysitting and writing. Tomorrow is going to be my last day babysitting since school starts soon, which is more a relief than anything. This week is only one of the kids, so it's not too bad. Watching both of the boys at once was stressful though. However, it made me some extra money this summer, so I'm not complaining about that.

Writing wise, I think I should be finishing up the first draft of this Hunger Games fanfiction at least within a week from now as long as nothing major happens that stops me from writing. That's really great because I definitely want to have a draft of it done before school starts again. This story has been a struggle to write in a lot of ways, but that also makes me really proud of it in a way I didn't feel about the story it's a companion piece to. That story almost seemed to write itself, and while I'm really happy with that one, there's something about how challenging this story was but still being able to make it into something I'm happy with. They just seem to each be turning out pretty nice now, but of course, the one I'm working on now still has a lot of editing to go through.

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