Monday, May 4, 2015

Life Post: It's Finals Week

Finals week is finally here. This has what the past weeks and insane work load has been building up to, and it feels strange to know that it'll be summer break in just a few days.

I have three finals that consist of actual tests, and I've taken one of them, Spanish, so far. It didn't go as well as it could have. At least in my mind. I thought I had as good of a grasp on the information as I could possibly get, but on the test, they gave us vocab we had to use. Well, I didn't recognize a good portion of it, and I still don't think we ever got that vocab, which has me confused. I'm just hoping my attempts were good enough because I really struggled over that test.

To be honest, that entire class has been a struggle. I don't want to get into all the negative details here on the blog, but that class just wasn't really working for anyone involved in it. I'm not really sure what went wrong initially, but things got steadily worse as the semester went on. I'm glad it's in the past now.

Anyway, I have one more final today. I'm feeling much more confident about it, although it is kind of a bummer that it's so late in the day. It doesn't finish until nearly eight at night, and my brain is struggling to function at full capacity by then. I'm glad I feel really good about that material because I imagine anything I had trouble with would be really bad at that set time.

I'm so close to being done with the semester though, and I'm pretty excited about that. Once this semester is over, I'll be two-thirds of the way done with college. That's crazy to me.

The last thing I want to mention is that I've been really good about posting Youtube videos over the past week. I did the Extraordinary Means tag a few days ago were I talk about the lengths I would go to for certain bookish things. I also did my April wrap-up and May TBR on the books I read in April and what I hope to read in May. And have I talked here at all about how the Mortal Instruments is being turned into a TV show for ABC Family? I'm not sure that I have. I did talk about the casting so far in a video though. We have Jace, Simon, and Isabelle, and some people were really angry that the Simon and Isabelle actors are POCs. I talked about that. It's looking like we might get Clary next, and I really want to keep talking about the casting either in videos or here as it happens, so expect to see more of that.

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