Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dresses and Breaking Dawn

I've had a busy weekend so far.  After school on Friday, Ji, Regina, and I went shopping for Christmas dance dresses.  We stopped to get something to eat, and then went to this house Ji's parents are fixing up.  (This is in a city a little less than an hour away, and they're moving out there when the house is done and stuff.)  We left Ji's car there, and her mom took us to the store where she had us (particularly me for some reason) try on a ton of dresses.  Luckily, I found one, so I have that done with.  I'm not a huge shopping or trying on clothes fan.  Ji's mom was really into it though.  She wanted to see me in every dress, and she kept going to get more.  It felt like I was in that dressing room forever.

Today I went to go see Breaking Dawn with my friend Haley.  I was so excited!  Every showing before ours had sold out, so I was really worried this one would be when we got there, but we managed to get tickets.  I loved the movie so much!  As of right now, I can really only think of one complaint.  For the most part, I thought it was done great.  I'll post a review of it later.

My biggest thing was that the Hunger Games trailer wasn't shown before the movie!  It was supposed to be, but for some reason it wasn't at our theater.  Haley and I were dissapointed because we both really wanted to see it on the big screen.  I hope I get to see it in front of something before the movie's out.

This doesn't really sound like a busy weekend, but it sure feels like it.  I think most of it is because I woke up really earlier this morning.  I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.  Usually, I lay in bed a while anyway, and I eventually go back to sleep.  I didn't do that this time, and I regret it.  I've been so tired today.  Plus, I can't sleep in tomorrow, so I'll start off the week tired.  Thankfully, I only have school two days this week!

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